Sunday, April 6, 2008

I love Charlie!!

I just returned home from a 5-day trip to San Francisco to meet my cute new nephew, Charlie. I was able to be there for his one-month birthday which was fun. It was so fun to live in the house with a newborn baby. He is so cute and so fun. It was funny because Mar would feed him, then let me hold him as he fell asleep and then he would wake up and it would be time to feed him again. Every time Mar would say it's time to feed him I would say, didn't you just barely feed him? It's funny how fast time flies and how often babies eat. Mar is such a good mom and it's so cute to see her taking such good care of such a sweet little guy.
While in San Francisco we drove around and saw the sights: The Golden Gate Bridge, the freezing cold beach, fisherman's wharf, Robin William's home, and downtown San Francisco. Some of the streets are so steep I don't think I would dare drive on them, but Mar had no problem, she's used to them by now. While I was there Josh had to fly to Salt Lake for his grandpa's funeral so I was able to spend some quality time with just Mar, Charlie, and my mom, but we did miss Josh.
Being with Charlie all day everyday allowed me the chance to really fall in love with him and his sweet spirit. It made me realize that I could totally handle being a mom someday. At first it seemed impossible, but as I watched how Mar handled things I realized that it is doable. Although, I wasn't the one who had to wake up every 2 hours throughout the night, I'm sure that changes everything.
I'm so thankful that I got the opportunity to meet Charlie and to spend time with Mar and my mom. I was so sad when I had to leave because I know I'm going to miss Charlie a ton. Good thing I had Dave at home waiting for me, otherwise I may never have come home.


Trinity said...

I'm glad that you had fun and that you love him sooo much. Nephews are the best because you can love them and give them back... Thanks again for all your help

Brittany said...

Now to start making your own Charlies!!!!! hehehehehehe
I know there are triplets waiting to come down :)
You'll totally rock motherhood! Your a great aunt :)


Trinity said...

I agree with Brit you 2 need to start making some Charlie's. Just teasing I know how nice it is to not have your own babies yet. I'm excited to hang out tonight.

Candice said...

Hey! I'm finally back on blogger... So don't you worry about boards! They really are so hard and then tons of questions get thrown out and you get a great score! I'm sure you passed! Can you believe you're almost done?! It goes by so fast! I can't believe I've been out almost a year! Sad about the service center...

Sheena said...
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Sheena said...

Trinity taught me most of it! But thank you sweetheart! We totally need to hang out again...maybe since andrew isn't having his rockstar party anymore we can have our own! You know...mullets, beer (heavy on the root!) :) and all that other rockin stuff....Thanks again for letting us come over the other night. It was nice to get to know ya!