Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dam Days

Sweet little nephew Owen!! Not really a fan of the water, but he sure loves his mom. By the end he was riding on the waverunner just to be with his mom and away from me.
Trinity (my sister-in-law) and I. We had so much fun. She's a boater at heart, crazy on the tube. Me? Not so much, but I do enjoy riding on the boat.

Christy wasn't able to join us due to work, but I'm glad Kenny came.

The Powell family is so great. I'm so happy that I married into such an amazing family. I couldn't have dreamed there was such a great family out there that could match the greatness of the James' fam.

Sweet niece Baily. It took all of my air to blow up this silly water wing, but I told her I would do it to show her how much I love her, which is a lot! She is seriously the sweetest girl ever. I think I'm going to let Brittany raise my kids so they can be so polite. Good job Britt. Thank goodness Trinity was there to blow up the other one like 10 times faster.

We went to the dam last week (twice) and it was so fun!! Thanks Holly for bringing your sweet boat. Thanks Becky for bringing the sweet treats. And thanks mosquitos for the 10 sweet bites that are now scabs all over my arms and legs, Boo!


Marky said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!! Wish we could have been there with ya.. Like your new background, way cute!!

Trinity said...

I love love your new background. I have not come across that one yet. I had lots of fun and Becky got enough treats for an army. P.S. you looked really cute at the mall yesterday and it took me until this morning to realize why your hair looked SO different. Not the highlights-you cut off a lot of inches. I love it and your highlights are super cute and your shirt was super cute you are just super cute. Thanks for being so great! I too love being a Powell and love ALL my nieces and nephews and bro in laws in sis in laws.

{Jamey} said...

I like your story about how you became a hygienist! It's been a long road, but like you said it's definately worth it in the end (especially after those paychecks start rolling in ;) I can't believe you knew so young what you wanted to do. I was 20 years old before I figured it out, but I'm glad I did becuase it's the perfect job to have when you have kids!f Good to hear from you Jones!

Lindsey Rose said...

Looks like fun! We love the Powell Family too! They are so great, you really are so blessed. A good family is the best thing in the world! Some say it is rare to love your in-laws, but I love mine and it sounds like you love yours too!

The James Family said...

That Kenny Achter is one fine piece of ace!!! Love Mrs. Achter!!